Season 2
The Most Important Pieces of Gear In the Studio
What are the most important pieces of gear in the studio? Justin Colletti offers a way to filter through noise and answer this question. In short: Gear generally gets more important the closer you get to the...
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The Problem with DIY
DIY approaches are popular in audio and music production...and for good reason. But the DIY mentality can and often does go wrong, holding us back in the development of our audio and music careers. Here's how to reap...
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What is Mid-Side Processing? When, Why & How to Use It
Justin Colletti talks about how to use an often-misunderstood mode found in an increasing number of plugins and hardware devices: Mid-Side processing. What does it mean, and what can it do for your productions?...
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Is There Such a Thing as "TOO MUCH" Studio Time? Probably.
How long can you spend in the studio before you hit the point of diminishing returns? Justin Colletti recommends asking yourself this question and monitoring your productive studio time in this episode. He offers a...
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How to Finish Your Mix BEFORE Your Start It
There's a powerful concept in the world of productivity: "Finish your day before you start it". This idea can also be applied to mixing or anything else in music production, with amazing results. In this episode,...
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